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All TestResources test machines are carefully calibrated before shipment and delivered with a formal calibration certificate, but it is still important that you arrange for re-calibration of your TestResources machine periodically. TestResources will perform certified NIST traceable calibrations and verifications of load cells. Our calibration weights and calibration load cells are certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Most ISO quality systems and some ASTM standards such as ASTM E4 call for re-calibration of load cells on a yearly basis. Our calibration technicians are trained to perform calibrations in accordance with ASTM E4 and ISO 7500, ensuring accuracies at 0.5% of reading down to 10% of full scale of the load cell. We provide a calibration certificate that is signed and dated in accordance with ISO requirements.

We know you want to avoid downtime. We can help you make your re-calibration as convenient and fast as possible. TestResources offers calibration service in a number of arrangements for the convenience of our customers:

  • You can send your load cell, controller and load cell cable to our factory in Minnesota for re-calibration. Our efficient, established process ensures a turn-around time of 4 days or sooner
  • Our calibration experts can visit your lab to perform the calibration on-site
  • If you have an existing calibration service provider or in-house calibration department, we will be happy to work with them via email and phone to provide the training they need to successfully re-calibrate your TestResources machine

If you need calibration of your TestResources machine, call us today and follow the audible menu to “Grips and Accessories”. An experienced engineer will help you plan your calibration right away.

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